Internet of Public Service Jobs - 13/01/2024

Public Service Internet jobs is a weekly list of vacancies related to product management, agile and design in…you guessed it…‘public service’ curated by @jukesie

[01] Director of Digital, Change and Technology
East Riding of Yorkshire Council
£94,847 - £106,437
Closing date: 04/02/2024

[02] Associate Director Digital Data and Technology
£65,539 - £72,930
Closing date: 25/01/2024

[03] Digital Product Manager
University of Bristol
£41,732 - £46,974
Closing date: 28/01/2024

[04] Director of Communications, Engagement and Digital Publishing
Office for National Statistics
Newport, Fareham, London, Manchester or Darlington
£97,000 - £145,000
Closing date: 16/01/2024

[05] Director of Digital
Derbyshire County Council
£99,063 - £108,772
Closing date: 04/02/2024

08/02/2024 - Whitechapel, London Rachel Coldicutt share the AI Ethics Tool that Careful Trouble are building for service providers, Tony Helluja share insights from designing and building a HR Chatbot, Terry Desousa and Sam Johnson discuss 450 day of pain: Tackling Local Plan representations with more speakers to be announced

[06] Digital Product Manager
Intellectual Property Office
£41,016 - £43,067
Closing date: 23/01/2024

[07] Service Manager - Digital and Technology
West of England Mayoral Combined Authority
£49,498 - £52,677
Closing date: 21/01/2024

[08] Senior Digital Product Manager
Department for Energy Security & Net Zero
Aberdeen, Birmingham, Cardiff, Darlington, Edinburgh, London, Salford
£50,305 - £61,145
Closing date: 28/01/2024

[09] Head of Digital Products
Great British Railways
£85,395 - £96,070
Closing date: 26/01/2024

[10] Director of Digital & Information Security
Open Briefing
Closing date: 09/02/2024

This week I started my new job and wrote some weeknotes. Hope to see some of you at Govcamp next week!

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