Internet of Public Service Jobs - 06/04/2024

Internet of Public Service Jobs - 06/04/2024
Internet of Public Service Jobs is a weekly list of vacancies related to product management, agile and design in…you guessed it…‘public service’ curated by @jukesie

[01] Chief Digital and Information Officer
Cardiff University
No salary information
Closing date: 29/04/2024

[02] AI Education Campus Director
London Borough of Camden
Closing date: 26/04/2024

[03] Head of Digital Development
University of Bath
Closing date: 21/04/2024

[04] Head of Product (interim)
Oak National Academy
Remote UK
Closing date: 11/04/2024

[05] Service Owner - Identity
Scottish Government
Edinburgh or Glasgow
Closing date: 14/04/2024

[06] Chief Data Officer
Office for Students
Closing date: 28/04/2024

[07] Officer, Digital Strategy
Open Society Foundation
No salary information
Closing date: 26/04/2024

[08] Product Manager (Supporter Experience)
Full Fact
Remote UK
£45,000 - £50,000
Closing date: 22/04/2024

[09] Geospatial Services Manager
Hybrid / Edinburgh
£45,585 - £54,395
Closing date: 17/04/2024

[10] Lead Product Manager
Ministry of Justice
Multiple UK locations
£66,314 - £80,370
Closing date: 14/04/2024

Three day week 'fun' for Week 14.

This is a lovely - if a bit depressing - piece of writing about the Heat Death of the Internet.

Seems like it is event season - I have all of these coming up in April/May and tickets are still available for many of them >>

- LocalGovDrupalCamp
- TPX Digital Forum
- ProductCamp SW
- Camp Digital
- Interesting 2024

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